
12 个常见图论算法的时间复杂度。

Dijkstra's Algorithm

O(V2)O(V^2) for the basic version with an adjacency matrix representation, where VV is the number of vertices. With a binary heap (priority queue), it improves to O((V+E)logV)O((V + E) \log V), and with a Fibonacci heap, it further improves to O(E+VlogV)O(E + V \log V), where EE is the number of edges.

A* Search Algorithm

O(E)O(E), but this is highly heuristic-dependent. With a perfect heuristic, it's as efficient as possible. Usually, it behaves similarly to Dijkstra's algorithm in terms of complexity, because it is essentially Dijkstra's algorithm with heuristics.

Bellman-Ford Algorithm

O(VE)O(V \cdot E), where VV is the number of vertices and EE is the number of edges. This is because it relaxes all EE edges V1V-1 times.

Floyd-Warshall Algorithm

O(V3)O(V^3), where VV is the number of vertices. This is because it considers all pairs of vertices and iterates through all possible intermediate vertices for each pair.

Breadth-First Search (BFS)

O(V+E)O(V + E) for both adjacency list and adjacency matrix representations of the graph.

Depth-First Search (DFS)

O(V+E)O(V + E) for both adjacency list and adjacency matrix representations of the graph.

Kruskal's Algorithm (for MST)

O(ElogE)O(E \log E) or O(ElogV)O(E \log V), since sorting of edges is required, which takes O(ElogE)O(E \log E) and the union-find operations take O(ElogV)O(E \log V).

Prim's Algorithm (for MST)

Similar to Dijkstra's algorithm, O(V2)O(V^2) with a basic version, O((V+E)logV)O((V + E) \log V) with a binary heap, and O(E+VlogV)O(E + V \log V) with a Fibonacci heap.

Tarjan's Algorithm (for Strongly Connected Components)

O(V+E)O(V + E), since it is essentially a DFS with additional bookkeeping.

Edmonds-Karp Algorithm (for Maximum Flow)

O(VE2)O(V \cdot E^2), because in the worst case, each augmentation of flow can affect all edges, and there can be VV augmentations per edge.

Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm (for Maximum Flow)

O(Ef)O(E \cdot f), where ff is the maximum flow in the graph. This is because the algorithm finds augmenting paths and might do so for each unit of flow.

Johnson's Algorithm (for All-Pairs Shortest Paths):

O(V2logV+VE)O(V^2 \log V + VE), which combines the efficiency of Dijkstra's algorithm with a preprocessing step that reweights edges to allow for non-negative weights.